Core20PLUS5 for Children and Young People in NENC
Regional resources for addressing health inequalities
The North East and North Cumbria (NENC) Core20PLUS5 for Children and Young People framework has been developed in collaboration and consultation with the NENC Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) and the Network's Young Advisors.
The NENC framework does not intend to replace the national framework, but to complement it by applying a regional lens, and offering workstreams addressing health inequalities the opportunity to consider and align support with regional priorities.
This practical toolkit aims to support the application of the national NHS England Core20PLUS5 by adopting broader regional priorities. The document presents an overview of both the national and regional frameworks and details the shared and differential components.
The NENC framework is intended for organisations, agencies, commissioners and professionals with a role or interest in addressing inequalities in child health. The NENC perspective presented in this briefing document was designed to be relevant to multiple and cross-sector approaches, including health, education, and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, allowing for broad application and adoption, and the facilitation of integrated approaches to child health.

by David Purdue, ICB CYP Executive Lead
I am delighted to see that the Network’s founding
focus on poverty and inequalities for our most
vulnerable young people and their families
continues to progress with this practical North East
and North Cumbria specific toolkit to apply the CYP
Core20PLUS5 to benefit our most under-served