Youth Drug and Alcohol Services - all regions

Service Details 

SWITCH Drug and Alcohol service for young  people. 




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Service Details

Providing one-to-one support to young people and their families around drug and alcohol issues alongside comprehensive group work and events.

The Count Durham drug and alcohol service have staff who are specially trained to work with young people, and understand the problems you face.

They can speak to you on a one-to-one basis. They don’t need to tell your family what you and them are talking about. If you’re worried about someone who has a drug or alcohol problem, they can give you some guidance too.


Phone: 03000 266 666


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Young people and family services

Service Details

We’re here to help

To help you make the changes you want to make, our free and confidential service provides: 

  • Support with any physical, emotional or mental health needs 
  • Needle exchange 
  • Recovery and detox programmes 
  • One-to-one therapy and group therapy 
  • Social activities 
  • Support with housing or managing your money 
  • Education, training and employment opportunities 

We believe recovery from drug and alcohol use is possible for everyone, and we’re here to help you achieve it. We aim to make recovery a reality in Newcastle. 


Phone: 0191 206 117

Website Link

Home - Waythrough


Service Detail

If you, a partner, a family member or a friend have a problem with drugs or alcohol misuse, they don't have to suffer in silence thanks to a wide range of personal and confidential support available from a number of different places.

START takes referrals from both adults and young people with substance misuse problems. Referrals are accepted by telephone, email and in person, from voluntary/professional organisations and individuals where consent has been gained.




Website Link


Service Details

If you're struggling to cope with your drug or alcohol use, or you know someone who is, the Recovery Solutions Team can help. We provide a wide range of support including prescribing, psychosocial interventions, counselling, and recovery support.

If you need help, you can refer yourself to our service. We also accept referrals from family members, carers, and professionals, as long as they have your consent.

The Recovery Solutions Team is made up of experienced staff, volunteers, and peer mentors (some of whom are in recovery from substance misuse themselves) who provide group sessions and one-to-one support across Middlesbrough. The service is open to both young people and adults.



Service Details

NTaR covers all of drug and alcohol services within Newcastle and is an ageless service. Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust are the lead provider in partnership with Humankind and Changing Lives under the name of NTaR. 



Phone: 0191 206 1117  



Website Link

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) - CNTW033 - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust 


Service Details

CADAS work with individuals and communities reduce the harm caused by substance use across Cumbria by: 

• supporting young people (10+) and adults who feel their substance use is problematic 

• supporting people caring for, or affected by, loved ones using drugs or alcohol 

• delivering training and consultancy across all sectors, and 

• Training volunteers to deliver any or all of our services. 



Phone: 0300 111 4002



Website Link  

CADAS We Help You Change | CADAS 


Service Details

North Tyneside Recovery Partnership 

Delivered in partnership between Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Changing Lives and Turning Point.  The North Tyneside Recovery Partnership (NTRP) is a dedicated service for anyone living in North Tyneside who is experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol.



Phone: 0191 640 0180


Website Link 


Service Details

Sorted is Northumberland's Substance Misuse Service for young people.

Sorted is made up of specialist workers and health staff. 

The service provides intervention for children and young people up to age 18 within the Northumberland area. Young people are supported to stop using substances, and to reduce the associated risks from substance misuse, both to themselves and their communities. They are also supported to achieve good physical and emotional health and wellbeing. 

Sorted can help:
  • young people
  • professionals and agencies working with young people



Phone: 01670 536400


Website Link


Service Details

We Are With You young people's team provide information, treatment, advice and support to young people from Redcar and Cleveland who use drugs or alcohol.

  • The service is for under 25s only. 
  • We Are With You young people's team is a confidential service that can offer advice, support and guidance. The team works holistically and will support young people to address other issues such as mental health, housing and education.  
  • The team will support and advise the parents of substance using young people.


We Are With You young people's team can be contacted on 0300 303 3781


Website Link  



Service Details

The MATRIX works with young people under 18 in South Tyneside, their families and carers. The service provides help, support and advice to those whose lives have been affected by drug and alcohol misuse or those who are at risk of developing drug and alcohol problems. 



Phone: 0800 328 1898 


Website Link

Matrix - Young Peoples Drug & Alcohol Service ( 


Service Details

“We will support you on your journey. We will help you focus on your strengths. You will have your own Recovery Coordinator and the two of you will work together to create a plan to help you reach your goals. You can also take part in structured programmes and access detox and rehab. Throughout your journey with us you can get support from a trained Ambassador.” 



phone: 01642 673888



Website Link

Recovery Service - Stockton info | Change Grow Live 


Service Details 

Our Youth Drug and Alcohol Project (YDAP) team offers specialist services for young people (aged up to 18 years old) living in the Sunderland area who have complex needs associated with substance misuse.

YDAP works with young people whose substance use is impacting on their life in a negative way, such as impacting on:

  • Physical or mental health
  • Housing
  • Family
  • Education
  • Offending behaviour




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