Health Visitor Services (South Tyneside)

Service Information 

Our 0-19 service consists of health visitors, school nurses, nursery nurses , staff nurse’s,  health care assistants and school nursing assistants.  

The 0-19 team work as part of wider community teams with GP, midwives, Children’s Centres, Paediatricians, Speech Therapists, Nurseries, Schools, Sexual Health Services to provide care and support to promote children’s’ well-being and prevention of harm.

Our 0-5 team offer home visits to all families in the community of South Tyneside, from pregnancy through to school entry, as recommended by the national Child Health Promotion Programme. If you’re a parent, the team will support you with your own health needs and will help you develop a healthy lifestyle. They also provide ‘drop in’ baby clinics and tailor support to your child’s individual and family needs. Every child has a named health visitor until they reach school entry.

website icon.png  South Tyneside 0-19 Team :: South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust (


Telephone icon.jpg 0-5 years 0191 2831508

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