Health Visitor Services (Middlesbrough)

0-5 Children’s Service

All families with a child under five in Middlesbrough have access to a Health Visiting 0-5 Team, consisting of Health Visitors, Early Years Practitioners and Infant Feeding Specialists. They provide expert health assessments, advice, support and interventions for babies, children and families.

The Team encourages and supports parents and carers to develop life-long skills to enable them to make informed choices that affect their family’s future health and wellbeing.

The Team works in community settings to deliver universal and targeted interventions designed to meet public health outcomes. We ensure the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children and young people across Middlesbrough.

The service works in partnership with other agencies to ensure all families receive support.


website icon.png Healthier Together Middlesbrough - Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (

Telephone icon.jpg The Middlesbrough 0-19 Service central contact number is 0300 303 1603​​​​​​​


email icon.jpg


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