Health Visitor Services (Gateshead)

The Growing Healthy Gateshead 0-19 Healthy Child Programme service is an integrated service for families, expectant mothers, children and young people that offers interventions from the pre-natal stage up to the age of 19. The Trust leads on the delivery of this service, with a focus on working across services and organisational boundaries to improve public health outcomes.

The universal reach of the HCP provides an invaluable opportunity from early in a child’s life to identify families that are in need of additional support and children who are at risk of poor outcomes.

The aims of the HCP service is to:

  • Help parents develop and sustain a strong bond with children;
  • Encourage care that keeps children healthy and safe;
  • Protect children from serious disease, through screening and immunisation;
  • Reduce childhood obesity by promoting healthy eating and physical activity;
  • Identify health issues early, so support can be provided in a timely manner;
  • Make sure children are prepared for and supported in all child care, early years education settings and especially are supported to be ready to learn at age two and ready for school by age five.

website icon.png Growing Healthy Gateshead - Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (

Telephone icon.jpg If you need to contact the team please use the Single Point of Contact telephone number: 03000 031 918


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