Healthier Together mobile app (NENC)
Download to your phone or tablet
A mobile app to reduce worry for parents and care givers of young children
- Create a secure profile for each child.
- Easily check the child’s symptoms and get advice on what to do.
- Some surgery's offer direct service so you can inform them of the child's symptoms and they can contact you directly.
- Lots of other parents have already downloaded the app and have found it extremely useful.
Healthier Together app features:
- Walk through symptoms checker
- Select symptoms from clear and easy to follow images
- Useful red, amber, green trafic light system
- Yes or no answers
- Gives the best way to help your child

Contact services directly from the app
- Doctors practice details stored within the app
- Directly call emergency services, 111, GP or Pharmacy from the app
- Find your local health service details directly from the app