Transitions DAH Report Findings and Recommendations

The Child Health and Wellbeing Network has a role in the delivery of the Children and Young Person’s Transformation Agenda and Transitions and Developmentally Appropriate Healthcare is a key area of priority and there are a number of associated key deliverables.

The Child Health and Wellbeing Network recognises that Developmentally Appropriate Healthcare is a small but integral piece of the jigsaw when considering the wider context of transition to adulthood for Young People. The aim of this project was to champion developmentally appropriate healthcare and seamless transitions for adolescents and young adults with chronic or lifelong conditions aged 11 to 25 years living across the North-East and North Cumbria. The next steps will involve work with systemwide strategic partners to operationalise the recommendations that have been made based on the findings of the healthcare system scoping exercise.

The main vehicle to progress this work will be through the development and establishment of a multi-agency regional transitions steering group to support provision of high-quality transitional care services.

Read the report finding                      Transitioning Report Thumbnail.png              Report Summary  Transitions defining and facilitating.PNG

Transition Huddle Recording (June 23)