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Resources submenu
Promotional material for NENC Healthier Together
Download Healthier Together mobile app
Healthier Together Champions
Clips of abnormal signs in babies
Useful Videos
Eczema video (how to apply treatment)
Spotting infections in babies - The Lullaby Trust
Information on local services
Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) shared resources
Ask about asthma 2024 (external link)
NHS young people and vaping (external link)
Place2Be: Parenting Smart (external link)
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Healthier Together change request SOP
The little orange book
Choose a topic
Abdominal Pain
Child safety
Complex Needs
Dental/Oral Health
Development skills
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Difficulty breathing
Head injury
Fever/High Temperature
Jaundice (yellow baby)
Mental Health (Parents/Carers)
Mental Health (Young People)
Milk Allergy
Skin Conditions
Sore throat
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Pregnant/New Baby
Pregnant/New Baby submenu
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Pregnant/New Baby
Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) - link to website
Infections in babies - key information (PDF only)
Baby week 14 - 20 November 2024
Concerned your newborn/baby is unwell (less than 3 months)?
Parents/Carers submenu
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Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and over)?
Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and over)? submenu
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Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and over)?
Allergic reaction
Asthma attack (asthma suddenly gets worse)
Breathing difficulties and wheeze
Bronchiolitis and RSV
Chest pain
Colic in infants
Concussion recovery
Cough and cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting (Gastroenteritis)
Eczema (skin condition)
Fever/high temperature (3 months and over)
Fits (seizures)
Following a head injury
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Head Injury
Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP)
Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes)
Molluscum, Warts and Impetigo
Mycoplasma Infection
Nappy Rash
Periorbital Cellulitis
Pneumonia (after diagnosis)
Scarlet fever and Group A Strep
Sepsis - spotting the signs
Should my child go to school or nursery today?
Sinusitis (acute)
Sore throat or tonsillitis (what is it?)
Swallowed a foreign object
Swallowing pills (Kidzmed)
Testicular pain and lumps
Tick bite
Tummy pain (new)
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Viral Induced Wheeze
Whooping cough
Worried about Group A strep?
Concerned your newborn/baby is unwell (less than 3 months)?
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Concerned your newborn/baby is unwell (less than 3 months)?
Colic in infants
My baby has a fever (high temperature)
My baby has a rash
My baby has a sticky eye
My baby has difficulty breathing
My baby is constipated
My baby is crying all the time
My baby has jaundice (yellow)
My baby is vomiting
New baby - what's normal and what's not
Bronchiolitis and RSV
Clips of abnormal signs in babies
Allergies and Intolerances
Allergies and Intolerances submenu
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Allergies and Intolerances
Is it cow's milk allergy?
Is it cow's milk allergy? submenu
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Is it cow's milk allergy?
Home milk challenge to confirm cow's milk protein allergy
Milk free diet for breastfeeding mums
Milk free diet for babies
Milk and soya free diets for babies
The Milk Ladder - has my baby grown out of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy?
Lactose intolerance
What is hay fever?
Food allergies trial (external link)
Other resources and external links
Other resources and external links submenu
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Other resources and external links
Beat Asthma
Beat Anaphylaxis
The DREAM Study
'Asthmanauts' child's adventure booklet
'Asthmanauts' poster with links to fun interactive free asthma resources
Moving on Asthma
Child development
Child development submenu
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Child development
Communicating & talking skills
Emotions, behaviour & play
General information about child development
Hand skills
Separation anxiety
Toilet training and Bedwetting
Screen Time
National Literacy Trust - Start for Life campaign (PDF)
Health conditions
Health conditions submenu
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Health conditions
Abdominal Pain (functional)
Bladder and bowels
Bladder and bowels submenu
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Bladder and bowels
Vaginal reflux
Toilet training and Bedwetting
Diarrhoea and vomiting (Gastroenteritis)
Children and young people with COVID
In-toeing or pigeon toe (feet turn in when walking)
Tics and Tourette's syndrome
Allergies and Intolerances
Tracheostomy submenu
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What is a tracheostomy?
Emergency care for child with a tracheostomy fitted
Basic life support for children with tracheostomy
Keeping your child healthy
Keeping your child healthy submenu
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Keeping your child healthy
Being active
Better Health
Childhood vaccinations - essential information
Eye screening and tests
Flu immunisation
Flu vaccine
Link to Gender ID feature
Healthy weight
Healthy eating
Maintaining your child's emotional wellbeing
What should a healthy day look like for your child?
Should my child go to school or nursery today?
Screen Time
Vitamin D
The little orange book
Keeping your child safe
Keeping your child safe submenu
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Keeping your child safe
Accidents - keeping your child safe in the home
Accidents and injuries - Keeping your child safe 'out and about'
Alcohol Poisoning
Bath safety advice
Safe sleeping
Keep your child safe online
Sexual abuse
The little orange book
Key contacts and resources
Key contacts and resources submenu
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Key contacts and resources
Asthma + Lung UK external link
Beat anaphylaxis - external link
Beat asthma - external link
Health visitors
How the NHS works - a guide for migrants
School nursing
Making every contact count
Children in Need
Parent Talk website link
Sunderland Health and Wellness Hub
The little orange book
Long term health conditions
Long term health conditions submenu
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Long term health conditions
Asthma resources
Eczema (what to do if your child has eczema)
Epilepsy, what is it?
Beat Asthma
Beat Anaphylaxis
Rheumatology - muscle and joint pain
Rheumatology - muscle and joint pain submenu
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Rheumatology - muscle and joint pain
Paediatric Rheumatology Patient leaflet May 2023
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
Uveitis patient leaflet
Methotrexate parent information
Diabetes multilingual tech guides (external link)
Medications and Swallowing Pills
Medications and Swallowing Pills submenu
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Medications and Swallowing Pills
Medicines for Children Website Link
Swallowing pills (Kidzmed)
Minor injuries
Minor injuries submenu
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Minor injuries
Wrist buckle fracture
Head Injury
Following a head injury
Burns and scalds
Cuts and wounds
Eye injury
Leg injury
Nose bleeds
Neurodiversity submenu
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What is Neurodiversity?
Does my child have ADHD?
Is my pre-schooler autistic?
Is my primary school age child autistic?
Support for neurodivergent children and their families
Tics and Tourette's syndrome
FASD what is it?
Neurodiversity local resources
Screen Time
Oral Health
Oral Health submenu
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Oral Health
Oral health for babies
Oral health for babies submenu
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Oral health for babies
Weaning - feeding baby and moving on to solids
Oral health for toddlers and pre-schoolers
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Oral health for toddlers and pre-schoolers
Oral health useful links and resources
Oral health for primary school age
Oral health for primary school age submenu
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Oral health for primary school age
Oral health useful links and resources
Oral health for secondary school age
Oral health for secondary school age submenu
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Oral health for secondary school age
Oral health useful links and resources
Oral health useful links and resources
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Oral health useful links and resources
Children's dentistry - Newcastle
Healthy Eating Right from the Start video (from Henry)
Sugar: the facts
The Food Scanner app
Oral Health (external link)
A practical guide to teeth (PDF)
Pharmacy first
Pharmacy first submenu
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Pharmacy first
Sore throat or tonsillitis (what is it?)
Molluscum, Warts and Impetigo
Transition from children's to adult healthcare - for parents and carers
Transition from children's to adult healthcare - for parents and carers submenu
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Transition from children's to adult healthcare - for parents and carers
National info
Worried about daily life?
Worried about daily life? submenu
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Worried about daily life?
Support to help you and your family stay warm and well
Keeping your house warm
Damp and mould
Cost of living support links
Better Health
Money worries!
Poverty Proofing support with living costs (PDF)
Useful videos for children and parents/carers
Useful videos for children and parents/carers submenu
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Useful videos for children and parents/carers
What? Why? videos for children
Blood test video for children and teenagers
General Anaesthetic (under 8)
Asthma videos
Professionals submenu
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All Paediatric Pathways
All Paediatric Pathways submenu
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All Paediatric Pathways
APLS Aide-Memoir Boys and Girls
All Paediatric Pathways (at a glance)
Acute Abdominal Pain Pathway
Acute Asthma/Wheeze Paediatric Pathway
Asthma referral primary care pathway
Asthma referral secondary care pathway
Bronchiolitis Paediatric Pathway
Colic - managing colic in infants pathway
Colic in infants - information on managing colic
Constipation Pathway
Cough, Breathlessness Child Over 1 year
Cough, Breathlessness Child Under 1 year
Cow's milk allergy (CMA) - managing
Croup Pathway
Diabetes Pathway (Suspected)
Diarrhoea/Vomiting Paediatric Pathway
Earache Pathway
Faltering Growth Pathway
Fever Paediatric Pathway
Fits, Faints and Funny Turns Paediatric Pathway
Managing Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Pathway
GOR and GORD Additional Notes - for professionals
Head Injury Paediatric Pathway
Limp Pathway
Lymphadenopathy Pathway
Nappy Rash Pathway
Chest Infection (Pneumonia)
Primary Tic Disorder Pathway
Sepsis Paediatric Pathway
Acute Sinusitis Professional Pathway
Tonsillitis/Sore Throat
Unsettled Baby Pathway
UTI Paediatric Pathway
UTI - Investigation and management following a UTI
Eczema Pathway
Lyme disease
Headache Pathway
Developmental Dysplasia Pathway
Early pubic hair and adrenarche
Head shape abnormalities
Delayed puberty
Drugs, alcohol and smoking resources
Drugs, alcohol and smoking resources submenu
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Drugs, alcohol and smoking resources
Alcohol Poisoning (PDF)
Vaping resources
NHS young people and vaping (external link)
Vaping and Asthma information leaflet (PDF)
Education, training and useful resources
Education, training and useful resources submenu
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Education, training and useful resources
Better Health Campaign Resources
Core20PLUS5 for Children and Young People in NENC
Flu vaccine toolkit for nurseries (2 - 3 year olds)
Healthier Together Learning Sessions
HEE E-Learning (Asthma care for children and young people)
HEE E-Learning Platform (e-learning for healthcare)
Healthy eating for toddlers - useful resources
Making every contact count (PDF only)
Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
RCPCH Healthy Child Programme - online learning (external link)
Speech and language therapy for children and young people
Spotting a sick child
Sustainable Child Health Resource
Tackling Respiratory Illness in Poverty Together (TRIPT)
Transition local resources
Transition local resources submenu
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Transition local resources
Journey to transition check list for professionals
Journey to transition audit proforma
Journey to adult healthcare
Young adult not brought policy guidance
Transition national resources
Transition national resources submenu
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Transition national resources
Connecting Care for Children (CC4C)
Link to Connecting Care 4 Children (CC4C) website
Link to NICE standards
Download HEADSSS Assessment Document
Download HEADSSS research by Damian Wood
Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
NCEPOD Transition The Inbetweeners infographic
NCEPOD Transition The Inbetweeners full report
Preparing for Adulthood (NDTi) - external link
My life my future (MLMF)
MindEd educational resource (external link)
Vaping resources
Trauma-Informed Care programme
CYP advice and guidance templates
Type 1 Diabetes Training Platform for Schools (external link)
National Literacy Trust - Start for Life campaign resources
Information (guides, tables, links etc)
Information (guides, tables, links etc) submenu
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Information (guides, tables, links etc)
Antimicrobial paediatric summary
Beat Asthma (external link)
Sleep for Health in Hospital (for staff)
Vital signs chart
Physical Activity - Moving Healthcare Professionals programme link
Physical Activity - NICE Guidelines link
Is it cow's milk allergy?
RCPCH Covid Vaccinations
UKHSA Group A streptococcus|Comms Support Pack
Grassroots Concussion Guide UK
NICE: head injury assessment and early management
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Testicular health (external link)
Pertussis guidance 2024
Information for Schools and Community Organisations
Information for Schools and Community Organisations submenu
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Information for Schools and Community Organisations
NICE: head injury assessment and early management
Beat Asthma Friendly Schools
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Testicular health (external link)
Arts and Creativity
Asthma programme (CHWN)
Long Term Health Conditions
Long Term Health Conditions submenu
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Long Term Health Conditions
Asthma submenu
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Asthma - referrals pathway
Beat Asthma Friendly Schools
Schools and clubs resources
Community resources
Asthma Huddles North East and North Cumbria Clinical Networks
Asthma videos
Asthma Webinars
Asthma programme (CHWN)
External links and other resources
Vaping resources
ODN Education Session: National Asthma Bundle September 23
Beat Asthma Friendly Sports Clubs
Epilepsy submenu
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Local resources - epilepsy
National resources
Epilepsy, what is it?
Transition from children's to adult healthcare - for professionals
Oral Health
Oral Health submenu
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Oral Health
Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention
Oral health for babies
Oral health for primary school age
Oral health for junior school age (7-11)
Oral health for secondary school age
Babies oral health HABIT
Oral Health supporting parents of children with Autism
Top tips for teeth
Safety netting and parent information leaflets (PIL)
Safety netting and parent information leaflets (PIL) submenu
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Safety netting and parent information leaflets (PIL)
Abdominal pain
Asthma (acute exacerbation)
Asthma Action Plan
Asthma Attack (asthma suddenly gets worse)
Abdominal Pain (functional) (PDF)
Alcohol Poisoning (PDF)
Breathing difficulties and wheeze
Calcaneovalgus feet
Cellulitis PIL
Chickenpox parent advice sheet
Colic in infants PIL
Conjunctivitis PIL
Cough and cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting (Gastroenteritis)
Eczema (what to do if your child has eczema) PIL
Fever/high temperature (3 months and over)
Following first seizure Parent Information Leaflet
Following first seizure children and young people
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Hayfever PIL
Head Injury
How the NHS works - a guide for migrants
How the NHS works - a guide for migrants submenu
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How the NHS works - a guide for migrants
ARABIC How the NHS work infographic
BENGALI How the NHS works infographic
DARI How the NHS works infographic
GUJARATI how the NHS works infographic
HINDI how the NHS works infographic
KURDISH how the NHS works infographic
POLISH how the NHS works infographic
PORTUGUESE how the NHS works infographic
ROMANIAN how the NHS works infographic
SIMPLIFIED CHINESE how the NHS works infographic
SOMALI how the NHS works infographic
TRADITIONAL CHINESE how the NHS works infographic
UKRAINIAN how the NHS works infographic
ENGLISH How the NHS works infographic
In-toeing or pigeon toe (feet turn in when walking)
Metatarsus Adductus PIL
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Periorbital Cellulitis
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Positional Talipes Equinovarus
Snoring/Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Should my child go to school today PIL
Swallowing pills (Kidzmed)
Vulvovaginitis Information leaflet PIL
Scarlet fever and Group A Strep
Vaginal reflux (PDF)
Vaping and Asthma information leaflet (PDF)
Whooping cough
Wrist buckle fracture
Useful local contacts and network links
Musculoskeletal presentations (chronic) in babies and children
Musculoskeletal presentations (chronic) in babies and children submenu
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Musculoskeletal presentations (chronic) in babies and children
Infant Head Shape Abnormalities
Developmental Dysplasia Pathway
Parent support
Parent support submenu
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Parent support
Poverty proofing - what is it?
Poverty proofing healthcare settings
Health for Young People
Health for Young People submenu
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Health for Young People
Growing Up
Growing Up submenu
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Growing Up
Exam pressure
Driving and road safety
Transition through schools
Becoming independent
Looking after your skin
Puberty submenu
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Female changes
Privacy and confidentiality
Getting medical help!
Keeping healthy!
Keeping healthy! submenu
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Keeping healthy!
Healthy eating
A good nights sleep
Looking after your skin
Looking after your skin submenu
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Looking after your skin
Eczema (young people)
LGBT+ submenu
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LGBT+ Information, Support and Advice
Dealing with abuse and mental health
Coming out
Gender identity
Mental health
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Mental health
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Coronavirus: Support, advice and guidance - external link
Depression (low mood)
Eating difficulties (disorders)
Help I'm in crisis!
Kooth (online mental health support)
My best life - mental health for young people in Sunderland (ext link)
Need help coping with the death of a loved one?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Psychosis (and hearing voices)
Speak out together
Trauma (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Where to get urgent help
Worried about a friend’s mental health?
Health condition
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Health condition
Testicular pain and lumps
Youth Voice Epilepsy roadshow (ext link)
Sexual Health
Sexual Health submenu
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Sexual Health
About sex
Consent and the law
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
C-Card (free condoms)
My vulva & vagina
Getting hold of emergency contraception
Getting hold of emergency contraception submenu
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Getting hold of emergency contraception
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Darlington Toolkit
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Darlington Toolkit
Family support
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Durham Toolkit
Hartlepool Toolkit
Hartlepool Toolkit submenu
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Hartlepool Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Middlesbrough Toolkit
Middlesbrough Toolkit submenu
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Middlesbrough Toolkit
Family support
Keeping healthy
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Growing up
Newcastle Toolkit
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Newcastle Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
North Cumbria Toolkit
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North Cumbria Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Northumberland Toolkit
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Northumberland Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
North Tyneside Toolkit
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North Tyneside Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Redcar and Cleveland Toolkit
Redcar and Cleveland Toolkit submenu
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Redcar and Cleveland Toolkit
Family support
Keeping healthy
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
South Tyneside Toolkit
South Tyneside Toolkit submenu
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South Tyneside Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Stockton-on-Tees Toolkit
Stockton-on-Tees Toolkit submenu
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Stockton-on-Tees Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
Sunderland Toolkit
Sunderland Toolkit submenu
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Sunderland Toolkit
Family support
Growing up
Keeping healthy
Life skills
Mental health toolkit
Sexual Health Toolkit
Staying safe
What's the harm?
About Us
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About Us
Introducing the Team
Privacy & Legal Policy
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Privacy & Legal Policy
Healthier Together - professional
Toolkits to promote Healthier Together website and app
Healthier Together Online Consultation Process
Healthier Together animation
Here to help this season toolkit (ext link)
Worried your baby is ill - QR codes poster
Download Healthier Together mobile app
Healthier Together Champions
Clips of abnormal signs in babies
Clips of abnormal signs in babies submenu
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Clips of abnormal signs in babies
Head bobbing
Counting your child's respiratory rate
Abdominal breathing
Useful Videos
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Useful Videos
Blood test video for children and teenagers
General Anaesthetic (under 8)
Asthma videos
Eczema video (how to apply treatment)
Spotting infections in babies - The Lullaby Trust
Information on local services
Information on local services submenu
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Information on local services
Children and Young Peoples Services CAHMS (Darlington)
Local Authority support (Darlington)
Hospital - Darlington Memorial Hospital
C-Card Scheme (Darlington)
Stop smoking service (Darlington)
Children and Young Peoples Services CAMHS (Durham)
Health Visitor Services (Durham)
Hospital - Durham University Hospital
School nursing (Durham)
Stop Smoking Service (Durham)
C-Card Scheme (Gateshead)
Children and Young People’s Service CAMHS (Gateshead)
Hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead
Safeguarding (Gateshead)
School nursing (Gateshead)
Children and Young People's Services CAHMS (Hartlepool)
University Hospital Hartlepool
Hartlepool youth drug and alcohol services
Children and Young Peoples Services CAMHS Middlesbrough
James Cook University Hospital
School Nursing (Middlesbrough)
C-Card Scheme (Newcastle)
Children and Young People’s Service CAMHS Newcastle
Youth drug and alcohol services (Newcastle)
The Royal Victoria Hospital, Newcastle
School Nursing (Newcastle)
Sexual Health Services (Newcastle)
Children and Families Newcastle (ext link)
Community Eating Disorder Services (CEDS) North of Tyne
Children and Young People's Services CAHMS (North Cumbria CAMHS)
Local Authority support (North Cumbria)
Youth drug and alcohol services (North Cumbria)
School Nursing (North Cumbria)
Cumberland Infirmary
Youth drug and alcohol services (North Tyneside)
Children and Young People's Services CAHMS (Northumberland)
Youth drug and alcohol services (Northumberland)
Northumbria's Specialist Emergency Care
James Cook University Hospital
Children and Young Peoples Services CAHMS (South Tyneside)
South Tyneside District Hospital
University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton
C-Card Scheme (Sunderland)
Children and Young Peoples Services CAHMS (Sunderland)
Sunderland Royal Hospital
School Nursing (Sunderland)
Sexual Health Services (Sunderland)
Hospitals - (all regions)
C-Card Schemes - (all regions)
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) - (all regions)
Health Visitor Services (all regions)
Safeguarding - (all regions)
Sexual Health Services - all regions
Support services
Youth Drug and Alcohol Services - all regions
Support services (North Cumbria)
Cost of living support links (document)
Local Authority support (Durham)
Local Authority support (Gateshead)
Local Authority support (Hartlepool)
Local Authority support (Middlesbrough)
Local Authority support (Newcastle)
Stop smoking services (Newcastle)
Local Authority support (North Tyneside)
Stop smoking service (North Tyneside)
Local Authority support (Northumberland)
Stop smoking service (Northumberland)
Local Authority support (Redcar and Cleveland)
Local Authority support (South Tyneside)
Local Authority support (Stockton on Tees)
Local Authority support (Sunderland)
Stop Smoking Service (Sunderland)
Local authority support (all regions)
Food Poverty Information (document and webpage links)
Stop smoking service (South Tyneside)
Stop smoking service (Gateshead)
Stop Smoking Service (South Tees )
Stop Smoking Service (Stockton on Tees)
Stop Smoking Service (Hartlepool)
Health and Wellness Hub (Sunderland)
School nursing
Family Hubs (Sunderland)
Children and families Newcastle
Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) shared resources
Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) shared resources submenu
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Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) shared resources
Arts and Creativity
Arts and Creativity submenu
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Arts and Creativity
LEAP - creative health in early years
Creative Health in Primary Schools Award
Creative Health Blog
Asthma programme (CHWN)
Asthma programme (CHWN) submenu
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Asthma programme (CHWN)
NICE - Improving indoor air quality
Asthma: findings and recommendations
Asthma: progress report
# Ask about asthma NENC 2023
Beat Asthma Friendly Schools presentation
Presentation: National Bundle of Care Phase 1
Asthma secondary care newsletter
Showcasing some of our work
#AskAboutAsthma 2024 NENC ICB - achievements and plan
Children's Social Prescribing Pilot Project
Facts of life for children and young people growing up in the NE and North Cumbria
Health inequalities affecting children and young people
Health inequalities affecting children and young people submenu
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Health inequalities affecting children and young people
Tackling Respiratory Illness in Poverty Together (TRIPT)
Tackling Inequalities for Children
Poverty proofing healthcare (PDF)
Promoting health and care research in educational settings
Social Prescribing - shared resources
Transitions DAH Report Findings and Recommendations
Integrated Health Hub Feasibility Pilot
Vaping resources
Ask about asthma 2024 (external link)
NHS young people and vaping (external link)
Place2Be: Parenting Smart (external link)
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Healthier Together change request SOP
The little orange book
All Paediatric Pathways
Asthma referral secondary care pathway
Asthma referral secondary care pathway
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