School Policy Beat Asthma Friendly Schools

The NENC ICS Asthma Leadership Group has worked collaboratively to develop and articulate guidance for schools on improved asthma management in education settings and signpost to supporting resources. This is to reduce variation and improve consistency and provide supportive advice and processes for education and other professionals to improve outcomes for CYP with asthma or suspected asthma diagnosis

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School Asthma policy

This have been developed with input of the following via a working group that have been looking at his since January 22


Carol Barwick, Respiratory Nurse Specialist, STH NHS FT and Lead Community Asthma Advisor to the CHWN

Clare Caygill, Childrens School Public Health Nurse. HDFT and Community Asthma Advisor

With great help from:

Dr Samantha Moss, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician and Asthma Clinical Lead to CHWN

Dr Ahmed Hegab, consultant paediatrician at South Tees Hospital and CHWN clinical asthma advisor.

Dr Townshend, Consultant Paediatrician at GNCH, Beat Asthma editor, national framework of competencies team

Nicola Jackson, Community Asthma Advisor and Specialist Children’s Nurse NCIC

Claire Adams, Respiratory Clinical Lead (Tees)

Anna Alderslade, Respiratory Network Network Manager, NHSE

On Behalf of NENC Asthma leadership Group

Dr Sam Moss

Dr Neelmanee Ramphul

Louise Dauncey