Bullying is never OK. We don’t agree with everyone we meet, but we must respect each other. That can be as simple as leaving them to get on with their life while you get on with yours.
Bullying can include:
Being called names, teased or made fun of.
Being hit, pushed or kicked.
Having things taken or damaged.
Being ignored, left out, or having rumours spread about you.
Abusive messages or comments online.
Being targeted because of who you are.
Bullying sometimes happens because of people’s prejudices, if someone is seen as different in some way. But being different isn’t the problem.
There's no one ‘right’ answer to bullying, but telling a trusted adult or friend can help, and there are people who can offer support. You could speak with a teacher, a health professional or ChildLine, a free 24-hour service on 0800 111.
Above all, remember that it's not your fault.

Are you or a friend being bullied?
The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign Support Centre offers advice and support for a variety of bullying issues for young people. Check out their support centre, with helpful advice about dealing with bullying in a wide range of situations, detailed information about staying safe on different social media sites, and links to useful support lines if you need to talk to someone.
Bullying can happen anywhere and be about anything. At Childline you can find out about different types of bullying and get help and support if you need it. Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can be you, whatever your worry, whenever you need help, and however you want to get in touch.