Knife Crime
It's against the law to carry a knife, acid or other weapon in a public place – whatever your reason.
Gangs might pressure someone into carrying a knife, or they may feel that it's expected of them. Some types of music make it sound glamorous.
It's not. Whatever the reason for carrying a knife, it usually means the person is scared.
What if someone I know is carrying a knife?
Be ready to listen. Talk to them about the choices they have and how they can get help. If you carry a knife, you're more likely to be targeted, injured or even killed.
You can dispose of a knife anonymously at a police station (be sure to wrap it securely).
Anyone who tries to pressure you to carry a knife is not a real friend. If you're worried, speak with a trusted adult, parent/carer or teacher, or one of the organisations below:
- A safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously.
Find your local police contact number on the 'What's the Harm' page of our Toolkit pages
Download the knife wise app – knowing the facts could save a life