Mental health toolkit

mental health support

Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS)

The Children and Young People’s Service provides a single service to all children and young people aged 0-18 years living in Newcastle and Gateshead who present with mental health difficulties. This includes children and young people who may be living in difficult and challenging circumstances.

Services for children and young people with a learning disability are provided through collaboration between the Children and Young People’s Services and Community Learning Disability Team.

Services for children and young people experiencing psychosis are provided through collaboration between Children and Young People’s Services and the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team.

The service is able to provide:

  • Assessment, diagnosis and intervention on a range of mental health issues.
  • Intensive response and home-based treatment for those children and young people whose mental health is causing significant concern.
  • A comprehensive transition support package to those young people who are approaching their 18th birthday and may need continuing support as adults.
  • Training, consultation, support and advice to front line staff working in targeted services for children.
  • Eating Disorder  is delivered by The Community Eating Disorder Service (CEDS) 

South Tyneside CAMHS - Children and Young Peoples Services

South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service aims to help people experiencing mild to moderately severe mental health problems.  In our Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS) we offer support and advice to help young people learn skills to manage the way they feel.

Supporting children and young people within the following age ranges.


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Telephone icon.jpg   0191 283 2937



South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service aims to help people experiencing mild to moderately severe mental health problems.  In our Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS) we offer support and advice to help young people learn skills to manage the way they feel.

We offer evidence-based treatments for a variety of common mental health issues, these may include:

  • Low Mood and Depression
  • Worry and Anxiety
  • Controlling Anger
  • Bereavement/Loss
  • Bullying
  • Eating Difficulties
  • Self-Harming Behaviours
  • Relationship & Family Difficulties

We aim to help children and young people at the earliest possible stage, in order to support children, young people and families to develop skills and promote positive wellbeing and reduce the risk of further distress.

Telephone: 0191 283 2937

School Nursing Service at South Tyneside 

The school nursing service have a confidential text messaging service " Chathealth" available for young people form the age of 11 - 19 years . We provide information , advice and support for children and young people. 


Address: South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Trust
Clarendon, Windmill Way, Hebburn
NE31 1AT 

Bright Futures

Bright Futures works with young women and girls across South Tyneside delivering a range of educational, supportive and fun activities covering a range of problems and issues. 


Tel: 0191 455 1196

Facebook: Bright Futures Young Womens Service
X (Twitter): BrightFutures ST

Address: Bright Futures NE, Community Hub, 459 John Williamson Street, South Shields, NE33 5HP

Young Minds

Young Minds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.
We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

Tyneside Outdoors

Tyneside Outdoors helps young people enjoy the outdoors by providing a range of fun, active and challenging activities in local parks and open spaces. It's a youth club but outdoors!

c/o Connected Voice, 1 Strawberry Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4BX

Tel. 07554127288


Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Foundation of Light

The Foundation of Light is the registered charity of Sunderland Football Club and we use the power of football and sport to provide opportunities to young people, adults and families across Sunderland, South Tyneside and County Durham. 

We have 4 curriculum areas which are shown below, all of which are open to people from all backgrounds, abilities and genders. 

  1. Football and Sport 
  2. Education 
  3. Skills and Employability 
  4. Health and Wellbeing 

Our vision is to use the curriculum areas and the programmes within them to create better opportunities and better lives for our communities. 

Beacon of Light, Stadium Park, Sunderland, SR5 1SN

Foundation of Light Website


X (Twitter)





The Matrix works with young people under the age of 18, their families and carers in South Tyneside whose lives have been affected by drugs and alcohol and those who are at risk of developing drug or alcohol problems. 

7 Burrow Street
South Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE33 1PP

Matrix website

The Community Eating Disorder Service (CEDS)

The CEDS provide community support and hospital inreach. This specialist eating disorder service supports young people and their families in the community to manage their condition and prevent hospital admission. They provide family based therapy in a range of settings as well as specialist clinical assessment and inreach to paediatric and acute mental health settings.