Sexual Health Toolkit

sexual health

Cumbria Sexual health

  • sexual problems e.g. pain during sex, genital health
  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs) e.g. chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhoea

We can also help with:

  • advice about abortion
  • advice about sexual health
  • advice for people who have been sexually assaulted
  • cervical smear testing
  • contraception, including emergency contraception
  • free condoms
  • hepatitis A, B and HPV vaccinations for men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) a medication that can help prevent you from developing HIV if you've been exposed to it
  • PrEP a medication to help prevent HIV before you’ve been exposed to it
  • STI and HIV tests

Cumbria Sexual Health service provides confidential advice and support on a range of sexual health issues. We offer testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We also provide, for free, all types of contraception including emergency contraception.