Common Topics
This guidance is intended to provide information on how to recognise concussion and on how it should be managed from the time of injury through to a safe return to education, work and playing sport.
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Physiological bowing is the most common cause of genu varum. It is a normal variant and usually corrects by the age of 2-3. It can be associated with overweight babies/toddlers as well as early walkers and can also be associated with in-toeing gait.
Toolkit aimed at those working with children and families to raise awareness of Healthier Together among staff, and also to publicly promote the platform to parents and carers, containing wording for newsletters and websites, and template social media posts. There is also one aimed at colleagues in education settings to be able to share details with parents and carers through usual school communications channels. Please make use of these in your own roles and organisations where appropriate, and cascade to other connections in your networks where they may be of use.
Links to organisations needed to give guidance and advice on health and other issues