Common Topics

Out-toeing is a common, normal variance of gait and usually does not require intervention or onward referral. It usually improves as a child grows. Out-toeing often runs in families, and can persist into adult life but rarely causes problems. It is commonly seen in later walkers and may be associated with knock knees (genu valgus) and flat feet.

Common childhood conditions
Functional abdominal pain (FAP) is common in children or teenagers. The word functional means that there is no physical blockage, infection, inflammation or disease causing the pain.
In-toeing or pigeon toe (feet turn in when walking) is very common in young children
Tics and Tourette's syndrome
Most people will have heard of Tourette’s syndrome from films and TV. The media tends to show the most severe symptoms, such as uncontrolled swearing or tics that cause injuries, which can be worrying for families when a child or young person is newly diagnosed with tics. Thankfully these severe symptoms are very rare.

Links to organisations giving advice and guidance to help young people and children stay safe

The Child Health and Wellbeing Network Asthma Leadership Group supported PANNEC (Paediatric Asthma Network North East and Cumbria) to present the systemwide NECPAAC (North East and Cumbria Paediatric Asthma and Allergy) conference in June 2023.

The purpose of the session was to offer pragmatic advice and guidance based on patient journey and experience and aimed to improve asthma care in the community by improving awareness, skill, knowledge and confidence to more effectively manage risk and improve experiences and quality of life for children with Asthma. The conference offered a series of interactive workshops for colleagues to chose from throughout the day. The event was aimed at a wide ranging audience including wider education, social care, housing and pharmacy professionals as well as a wide range of health professionals.

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