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It is essential your child’s tracheostomy tube remains in place and clear of secretions or any blockages at all times. We know emergency situations can happen, which you will be trained to manage before leaving hospital for the first time. These can be frightening, but your medical and nursing teams will make sure you have had many chances to practice and are confident in managing them safely until an ambulance arrives, if needed.

Baby week has a bold vision to make UK the best place to grow up in. We can do this by bringing sectors together to promote the best start in life.

Asthma referral pathway for professionals

The Child Health and Wellbeing Network has worked collaboratively with the North East and North Cumbria Learning Disability Network to deliver an online interactive epilepsy awareness raising session for primary care professionals working with Children, Young People and Young Adults in the North East and North Cumbria on 10th October 2024.
The hour-long session was delivered by members of the Paediatric Epilepsy Leadership Group with input from Learning Disability Network Colleagues and gave an insight into epilepsy as a long term condition and how it affects children, young people, adolescents and young adults and provided practical tips about how to meet the needs of our epilepsy population. We also had the opportunity to hear from Epilepsy Action and made available a multi-disciplinary panel to respond to questions and queries from participants

NHS section for professional including paediatric pathway, letter templates, information and essential guides and resources.

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