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The Child Health and Wellbeing Network 's (NENC), Creative Health projects demonstrate the beneficial impact of arts on the wellbeing of primary-aged children, bringing creative expertise to the classroom, and to especially benefit those in the highest areas of deprivation.

Little Explorers And Parents and families project or LEAP. This Northern Ballet initiative was focused in Nursery settings and was delivered by Early Years Practitioners with aspirations of family involvement. As the evaluation document below describes the key aims were to offer an accessible way for pre-school children from disadvantaged areas to engage in movement, music, storytelling, and multisensory experiences. The LEAP project has been piloted in five EY settings across northern England and an evaluation was conducted to gather insights from key people to inform its scalability and transferability. Please download and share the evaluation document and its findings with interested colleagues. The document includes contact details and full acknowledgements.

Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures.

NHS worried about your child, links to common illness pages providing advice and reassurance of what to do and or where to go when your child is ill. Also includes links to pages about whether your child can go to school or advice on keeping your child healthy

Meet the NENC Healthier Together Team

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