Common Topics

Resources to help parent/carers manage a child's Asthma

A tracheostomy is an opening in the front of your child’s neck which will help them to breathe. It involves a tube which enters the trachea (windpipe) to create an opening to allow air to pass into the lungs. This tube may be used on its own or it can also be connected to oxygen or a ventilator (a breathing machine which helps the lungs to work).

Tummy pain in children is common. Most children do not need tests or treatment and the pain will get better by itself.

Find a dentist by entering a town, city or postcode in England

There are many reasons why you might drink alcohol. Alcohol may make you feel more sociable. Too much will give you a hangover the next day. You may not remember what you got up to. Way too much alcohol can put you in a coma or even kill you.

It’s important to understand that alcohol has serious effects on your health and development.

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