Common Topics
Eczema (also called atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis) is a very common dry skin condition. It affects about 1in 5 babies and children in the UK. Eczema often appears in the first few months of life. Eczema usually improves in most children as they get older, but some children with more severe eczema may continue to have eczema into adult life.
Eczema can cause the skin to become itchy, dry, cracked and sore. Sometimes, children with eczema make may have periods where the eczema becomes more severe (flare ups).
Advice for professionals
As young people get older, an adult clinic is the best place for them to get the care they need. By the end of the transition process they may feel that they have grown out of children’s services and be glad to move on to a more grown-up setting.
Sunderland Health and Wellness Hub