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Welcome to Healthier Together, a great place to find accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice in the North East and North Cumbria. All the information on this site has been checked by clinicians, to ensure we offer the best advice for parents, carers, young people and health professionals.

For children with mild to moderate delayed symptoms. It is important to try your baby with milk now. This is to make sure that any improvement in their symptoms is due to cutting out milk (and they have a cow's milk protein allergy) rather than for any other reason.

NHS worried about your child, links to common illness pages providing advice and reassurance of what to do and or where to go when your child is ill. Also includes links to pages about whether your child can go to school or advice on keeping your child healthy

This dietary advice gives general information to help you make the recommended changes to your diet while you are breast feeding and while your child requires a cow’s milk free diet. If you need more detailed advice, please ask your doctor to refer you to a Dietitian for advice on your diet.

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