Common Topics

Bronchiolitis is a very common infection that causes the tiniest airways in your child’s lungs to become swollen, which can make it harder for them to breathe. It is caused by viral infections often by a virus called RSV and is more common over the winter months. It mostly affects young children under 2 years of age.

Wheeze is extremely common in young children. It is most often triggered by a viral infection. Most preschool children with wheeze do not have asthma.

This page has been designed for professions across healthcare to tackle health inequalities affecting children and young people. It has been created with professionals by the ICB's Child Health and Wellbeing Network. Its focus is on poverty and health related issues such as respiratory illness.

The Little Orange Book (LOB) contains advice and tips on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives

Information and advice for parents and carers about croup in children

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