Common Topics
Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella virus. It cannot be treated with antibiotics. Treatment is usually only needed to help with fever or pain (e.g. paracetamol) and for the rash (e.g. calamine lotion).
The Little Orange Book (LOB) contains advice and tips on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives
This page is for parents/carers of children with a tracheostomy fitted when they have a fever, using a traffic light system (red, amber, green) to help you decide when and where to seek care for your child.
It can be difficult to tell when your baby has an infection, as infections can cause lots of different signs and symptoms and babies can’t say how they feel. It is important to trust your instincts and, if you feel that something is ‘not quite right’ with your baby, seek help from your midwife, health visitor, GP, NHS 111 or visit an emergency department if you are very worried.