Common Topics

Fever in babies less than 90 days of age is much more likely to be due to a serious infection requiring urgent treatment compared to fever in an older child. For this reason, all children under 90 days of age with a temperature 38°C or above should be seen urgently by a healthcare professional.

Hay fever is a type of allergic reaction. It happens when pollen's, dust mites or other allergens in the air get into your nose and eyes, which can cause inflammation. It usually affects the nose, face, sinus passages, eyes and throat.

It is essential your child’s tracheostomy tube remains in place and clear of secretions or any blockages at all times. We know emergency situations can happen, which you will be trained to manage before leaving hospital for the first time. These can be frightening, but your medical and nursing teams will make sure you have had many chances to practice and are confident in managing them safely until an ambulance arrives, if needed.

Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella virus. It cannot be treated with antibiotics. Treatment is usually only needed to help with fever or pain (e.g. paracetamol) and for the rash (e.g. calamine lotion).

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