Common Topics
Healthy eating isn’t just about the food children eat, it is also about behaviour around eating.
Children, especially toddlers, need clear boundaries. Don't let all those good eating habits disappear as your baby gets older.
Jaundice is very common and affects about 6 out of 10 babies. It makes the skin and eyes look yellow. It happens more often in babies born before 37 weeks. Jaundice usually starts 2 to 3 days after birth and goes away by two weeks of age. Most of the time, it is not harmful.
Advice for professionals
Most babies bring up small amounts of milk from time to time, especially when they burp. This is called posseting and is usually nothing to worry about. You’ll know your baby is vomiting instead of posseting because a lot more will come out.
The Little Orange Book (LOB) contains advice and tips on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives