Common Topics
It is essential your child’s tracheostomy tube remains in place and clear of secretions or any blockages at all times. We know emergency situations can happen, which you will be trained to manage before leaving hospital for the first time. These can be frightening, but your medical and nursing teams will make sure you have had many chances to practice and are confident in managing them safely until an ambulance arrives, if needed.
It's normal for babies to develop rashes from as early as a few days old. If your baby has a rash but doesn’t show signs of illness, speak to your midwife, health visitor, or your GP. If your baby appears unwell, call your GP or GP out of hours service. If your baby is unwell and has a rash which does not disappear on pressure (glass test positive), please contact 999
alcohol poisoning leaflet - spotting the signs and what to do
Sticky eye, blocked tear duct information for parents and carers