Common Topics

Welcome to Healthier Together, a great place to find accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice in the North East and North Cumbria. All the information on this site has been checked by clinicians, to ensure we offer the best advice for parents, carers, young people and health professionals.

NHS worried about your child, links to common illness pages providing advice and reassurance of what to do and or where to go when your child is ill. Also includes links to pages about whether your child can go to school or advice on keeping your child healthy

A snapshot of all Healthier Together paediatric pathways with links to documents

It can be difficult to tell when your baby has an infection, as infections can cause lots of different signs and symptoms and babies can’t say how they feel. It is important to trust your instincts and, if you feel that something is ‘not quite right’ with your baby, seek help from your midwife, health visitor, GP, NHS 111 or visit an emergency department if you are very worried.

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